I hate pomegranate juice.
Pomegranate juice makes me gag and I feel the ends of my hair follicles when I drink it.
It makes me shudder and shiver.
I will not drink pomegranate juice.
Don't make me drink pomegranate juice.
Or else I will spit out out in your face and it will stain your white shirt.
Everybody will laugh at you with a red stain on your white shirt.
I warned you.
I hate pomegranate juice.
Don't make me drink pomegranate juice.
I hate pomegranate juice.
Maybe that's why I am strange.
CHICAGO (AFP) - Drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy may help reduce the risk of brain injuries in babies.
Decreased blood flow and oxygen to an infant's developing brain during pregnancy, birth and early development is linked to premature birth and can lead to brain tissue loss, seizures and mobility impairments such as cerebral palsy.The phenomenon, which is called hypoxia ischemia, causes brain injury in approximately two of every 1,000 full-term human births and in a very high percentage of babies born before 34 weeks of gestation.
But researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that newborn mice whose mothers drank water mixed with pomegranate concentrate lost 60 percent less brain tissue than mice whose mothers drank sugar water or other fluids.