Thursday, July 27, 2006

This is truly an effective use of e-mail spam which I received tonight:

Светка, привет!
Как ты там в Москве?
Бросай все и лети отдыхать:
Я не жалею, что сорвалась. Настроение и самочувствие резко изменились.
Проблем как не бывало:Вообщем, все супер: Мои тоже не жалуются: погода-
класс. Зайди посмотри мои фотки

Когда соберешься в Турцию, не забудь купить сим-карту. Мне Сашка
посоветовал. Спасибо ему. Не пожалела. За 400 рублей купила комплект с
сим-картой и 25 минут разговоров с Россией. Даже в Турции таких цен нет.
Обязательно купи, они доставляют бесплатно, тел. 85014791675.
Желаю хорошего настроения.
Вперед на отдых.
Целую, Наташа.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Tonight I prepared to turn in my phone to Sprint to get a replacement and purchase at a highly reduced rate a super duper phone with a lot of high tech features (camera phone, videocamera, etc.). So I decided to clean out my phone number list which has phone numbers of persons who have wanted regular communication with me and otherwise...which led me figure from which states telephone contacts were deleted from.


San Diego (5)
Orange County/Los Angeles (3)
Palm Springs (2)
San Francisco (1)

Denver (1)

Atlanta (1)


A good friend sent this from his camera phone taken at the Cleveland airport.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that he thinks Israel is pursuing wider goals in its military campaign against Lebanon than the return of its captured soldiers.

"However complicated the questions are, maximum efforts must be applied to resolve the situation in a peaceful way and I think all efforts have not been exhausted," Putin said. "However, it is our impression that aside from seeking to return the abducted soldiers, Israel is pursuing wider goals."

Why doesn't someone just tell this little nymph to shut up? It is as though that Russia hasn't pursued "wider goals" itself? Some people.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Being realistic is one thing.
Being fatalistic is another.

Friday, July 07, 2006

What if you invited a whole bunch a people to a party and no body came? That is the impression that I'm getting now that anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and the rest of the Hollywood lefties such as Susan Sarandon, her hubby Tim Robbins, and nutritiion guru Dick Gregory are now participating in a fast in Washington DC to bring about an American troop pullout from Iraq. Except for a bit of coverage in the national media before it started, it would seem that the antics of North Korea shooting missiles and them fizzling everytime is stealing the media spotlight. Just as it is fun watching the Democrats saying they are about to claim victory in the November mid-term elections, they are sniping at each other like never before. And this is the alternative leadership that they want to give us? Thanks, but no thanks.

What has me also snickering is watching the city council of Berkeley, CA wanting to hand over a referendum to the voters in November to impeach President Bush. Like a lot of the maniacs who want this, they don't even give thought that if President Bush is impeached, then Vice-President Cheney becomes President, and then Congress Majority Leader Dennis Hastert becomes Vice-President. This is the typical shortsightedness of the whacked out left that is anti-war and anti-Israel. Just let the Palestinians (who are in constant chaos themeselves) push the Jews into the Black Sea....that's right...what about the rights of Jews to their homeland?

I don't think so...and that is someone who is slightly right of center who never votes a candidate on party affiliation, but uses the anti-moron standard of picking the candidate who will do the least harm and potentially the least mess.
My letter to Fox News' Bill O'Reilly on his interview with Sen. John Kerry:

Dear Bill,

I very much enjoyed your thoughtful "no spin" interview with Sen. John Kerry. Despite all of the bleach and whiteners you added in order to get him to answer questions in a straightforward manner, he still came off as "permanent press."

Ivars Bezdechi
El Cajon, CA