I think the national news media is on a campaign trying to make Vice President Gore the new Ellen DeGeneres. While the TV and print outlets totally ignore how the oil companies are screwing the American public, they are breathlessly contemplating whether former VP Gore will run or not for President in 2008. Personally, I hope he does, so he can once again taste the bitterness of defeat and just perhaps normalize the hot air of his ego with the gaseous hot hair of his overgrown Sen. Ted Kennedy gut.
One of the most important lessons I learned as a pup was to accept graciously defeat and to go on to the next mission. But oh no...Gore has to go around badmouthing President Bush like a stubbornly ill-behaved kid. A real statesman graciously accepts the tribulations of defeat. But like someone who is so consumed with sour grapes, Gore goes on television (when he is not boring everybody with his roadshow of questionable science) badmouthing the administration. I need to say at this point I'm no great supporter of President Bush. I'm uncomfortable with the situation in Iraq and am VERY disappointed that the Iraqi people have not shown enough gumption to start to take control of their own country more passionately. But while Gore questions our incursion into Iraq, I ask myself -- don't the Iraqi people deserve to taste freedom from the tyrant of Saddam Hussein and his regime....just as the people of the Baltics wanted to so badly throw out the rule of the tyrannical Russians? Clearly miscalculations were made by Pres. Bush....but hindsight is also 20/20 (or so we hope). I do believe the news media in this country are not telling the truth about what is going on in Iraq. My heart cries for the 3,000 deaths of allied forces over four years in Iraq. But I also cry for when the Allied air forces lost nearly 12,000 men and over 2,000 aircraft in operations which paved the way for D-Day in April and May 1944,
and the total Allied casualties on D-Day estimated of 10,000, including 2500 dead....
So instead of going around bitching and moaning about his loss, Al Gore needs to go stick another donut in his mouth and start conserving energy at his Tennessee palace.
...or convert the gas which emanates from his humongous fat body into electricity...but isn't methane also contributing to the so-called "global warming"?