Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Kerry Blames Bush for Job Losses in Ohio

TOLEDO, Ohio - Presidential hopeful John Kerry (news - web sites) said Wednesday he would require companies to give their employees a three-month warning before sending their jobs abroad, blaming President Bush (news - web sites) for job losses in an appeal to displaced workers in the Democratic battleground state of Ohio. "

That's a stretch! President Bush (the elder and younger) have supported NAFTA...the North American Free Trade Agreement...which has sent jobs out of the United Staes. Senator Kerry supported and voted for the implementation of NAFTA which has sent jobs out of the United States.... So how can Senator Kerry blame President bush for sending jobs out of the US? And how would it help the workers if they are being given notice of their lay off three months or one day day before the end of their jobs?

Methinks that Sen. Kerry is kinda lyin' here, dontcha?

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