Thursday, April 01, 2004

I'm at a total loss.

I simply don't understand the frenzy and hysteria amongst some people against Pres. Bush amongst the RABs (Rabid Against Bush). One T-shirt I recently saw had "BUllSHit" emblazoned on it. He showed real leadership after 911...didn't play under the skirt of an intern...has brought stable leadership after 8 years of scandals du jour under Billy and Billary.... Several acquaintances short-of-breathlessly say they are ready to escape to Canada if Pres. Bush wins another term in office.

One sees John Kerry moaning and droaning on and on about his Viet Nam action, has flip-flopped on so many issues in whatever direction the wind blows...and whose position on so many issues is no different than his opponent. They are both against "gay" marriage -- in my opinion -- a real tempest in a teapot in terms of national issues. (Of course, I have sometimes felt just as passionate seeing the idiotic sham marriages in San Francisco.)

I guess some people are so gullible to the ramblings of the Hollywood political heavyhitters as non-actors Leonardo DiCapiro and Ben Affleck, ego extraordinaire Barbra Streisand, and other lightweights of educated American opinion, and are incapable of thinking on their own.

My question is this: How do the most ardent anti-Bush bashers know that their candidate won't be making missteps? Will I have the honor to complain about their man in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after three-or-four yours? Nobody is perfect.

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