Friday, April 08, 2005

Law enforcement officials have said they fear the project will lead to vigilante violence. Mexico’s foreign relations department also pledged in the days leading up to the civilian operation to pursue all legal and diplomatic means to stop the volunteers and ensure they do not violate the rights of Mexican citizens.

The volunteers may alert authorities when they see someone cross the border, but are not allowed to detain anyone. The immigrant who complained he was held illegally was later picked up by the Border Patrol, and remains in custody.

I guess what this means is that the Mexican authorities are going to pursue all legal and diplomatic means to stop the American citizens from guarding the border because of the failure of the US Government to protect the sovereignty of the US bordrs, and ensure that they do not violate the rights of Mexican citizens to illegally cross the border into the United States. Meanwhile, George Bush, Mexico's co-President stares into the TV lights like a deer startled by car headlights.

Of course then you have the dimwits who go around carrying placards saying, "NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL."

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