Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm so really done with doctors and hospitals and clinics this year, especially after an intensive emergency surgical procedure which I had to undergo this morning.

While the pain and after effects of the procedure are really affecting me tonight, I can't get over the outpouring of love and devotion from my friends N, M, C, S, and a new friend in Los Angeles, D, who was prepared to come down from Los Angeles to take care of me on a moment's notice. "I can be down there in two (hours)," this individual insisted. Of course, those were the words of the afore mentioned friends, as well. And then there was the moral support of my friend S in Reno, Nevada.

Out of my experience today, yes, it is true that what comes around, literally does go around. I took care of an individual in the same manner for five years in so many ways, and most recently, when Last May, I took care of someone who has meant the total world to me. This individual who was a part of my active life was very sick...severe chills, stuff coming out of every conceivable orifice to the point of scaring the bejesus out of me, which had me rousting the individual's doctors with the thought that the individual who have to be taken to the hospital to be rehydrated and have tests done, etc., etc. It was only one instance of all the things I did for the individual to make them happy. Yet this individual, with no regard to my extreme sorrow over the passing of my mother and the constant 7/24 caring I gave to for seven months, made a conscious decision to consciously kick me emotionally in the stomach, so they could pursue their own agenda of trying to find their nirvana paved with the psychobabble so tolerated these days by society. Not only have I had to endure my own extreme grief, but the emotional strain of this Judas-like act by this individual.

But you know, I find solace and satisfaction that with their pursuit of Nirvana, ultimately what they have metted out, will "come around" for them. Karma keeps very accurate books.

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