Monday, April 09, 2007

My letter submitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune (or sometimes referred to the Soviet Union-Tribune):

I have always regarded myself to be a political centrist/moderate whose opinions are motivated by specific issues rather than ideology. During the last election season the Democrats went around promising a “new dawn” in America after a long period of Republican “darkness.” They went around criticizing President Bush for everything and accusing him of every heinous crime against society just short of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. Despite their hubris and slim majorities in both Houses of Congress, it would seem that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and our beloved Senator Barbara Boxer and the rest of the cabal of usual suspects are leading their party into the same “gotcha” politics as the Republicans are renowned for. Not only that, in order to appeal to the “Hate Bush”/anti-war movement crowd and get appear to finally get a chomp out of President Bush’s hide, Pelosi exploded our monstrous federal budget deficit even further by succumbing to the tried-and-true technique of buying votes by engaging in pork barrel politics to her fellow Democrats in order to pass the Iraq cutoff funding bill by slimmest of margins. Meanwhile, to fulfill our “we care” quotient, former Vice-President cum highly-credentialed climatologist Al Gore is trotted out to blather on about global warming – the media’s latest “crisis du jour” (which already seems to be fading). The way that both the Congress and Senate are acting it is as though they have nothing better to do with their time these days, and most citizen’s concerns about rampant illegal immigration, equitable and sustainable universal healthcare for the working poor of our country, and the future stable funding of social security have all been solved and put to bed. Gasoline prices are going through the roof unabated as the mega-profiting oil companies take economic hostage of the American people, yet our elected representatives keep chomping at the microphones to have their the last 15-seconds of soundbite fame. Beautiful scenario, ain’t it?

In most employment situations an employee is given a three-month probation period during which their performance is judged. Seeing how the Democrats and Republicans have been acting in the past three months, I, and the legions of Americans who always seem to be on the short end of the stick would give them a resounding “F.” The unfortunate part is that we can only terminate our current employees in both houses of congress in Washington DC every two years.

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