Monday, July 30, 2007

In response to a nasty liberal website, DailyKos, where a Photoshopped picture was posted depicting Sen. Lieberman on his knees engaging President Bush in oral sex. The same site is promoting a conference which has been endorsed by the airline JetBlue, and will be featuring Hillary Clinton and John which I wrote in to The O'Reilly Factor...

Bill, thank you for exposing the real merchants of hate and intolerance as the DailyKos. As an independent voter (like many Americans even though they may be affiliated with a particular mainstream party), I can't help but feel that while any of the Democratic presidential candidates feel that it is a fait accompli that one of them may be occupying the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come Tuesday, January 20, 2009, nothing is set in stone. Remember the Aesop's fable of the tortoise and the hare? Nothing prevents the Dems to be drubbed out again.

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