Saturday, October 18, 2008

I really find the political immaturity of liberal elitists constantly mindbending. Here they go around ranting and raving about why their point of view is the "only" point of view (just like whacked out "born-again" Christians" -- what was wrong the first time?) totally dismissing any dissenting views.

Now it would seem that San Francisco voters are going to be given the option to vote in the name of a sewage treatment plant in the name of President Bush. I say, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Why not name the bridge where the drug-and-alcohol-womanizing addicted Senator Ted Kennedy plunged off the side (with the U.S.S. Oldsmobile) with campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne the "Sen. Ted Kennedy Memorial Bridge"?

San Francisco Votes To Give Dubya Dubious Honor
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS) ― President Bush still has three more months on the job, but there is already talk of an important building in San Francisco bearing his name.

Construction on the George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, will begin next year, but if Proposition R is passed on Nov. 4, that won't be the only the landmark named in honor of our embattled president.

San Francisco's Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant may soon become the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.

Think it's silly? The measure's organizer, Brian McConnell, who came up with the idea over drinks, seems to agree.

"Most people think it's a really silly idea anyway, and then the Bush haters don't want anything named after him," McConnell told the San Francisco Chronicle.

So far, not a dime has been raised in support or opposition of the proposition, but members of the local Republican Party are working to defeat the measure, and 12,000 people signed a petition to secure its spot on the ballot.

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