Monday, April 23, 2007


A Clear Channel Radio Station (Clear Channel is a media conglomerate) is now going to be testing a new way to broadcast commercials. Rather than a whole bunch of 30-60 or 90 second commercials they will do hour sponsorships. The station is also changing music formats. Said the general manager of the station to the New York Times:

"The Dallas station is also overhauling its format, switching from classic rock to a Texas-inflected rock-country hybrid. An average hour will include the likes of Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash and Drive-By Truckers. That, too, is raising eyebrows.

“In a major market, for a classic rock station to change formats is really an anomaly,” said Fred Jacobs, a radio industry consultant from Detroit who helped popularize the classic rock format in the mid-1980s. “You could make a nice, long, healthy list of top five stations that are classic rock,” and several would be No. 1 or No. 2 in their markets, he said.

But Mr. Freeman, the Dallas station manager, says he has had his fill of classic-rock bands like Led Zeppelin. “A friend of mine said, ‘They’ve been climbing that stairway to heaven for 30 years, you’d think they’d be there by now,’ ” he said."

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This is what wears me down about liberals. Or maybe should I say "progressives." They so love to make outward expressions about their concerns but do nothing in reality to bring about solutions to the problems they are complaining about. But darn it, "they care." Never mind that after their rallys complaining -- or "raising awareness" -- about the supposed issue of global warming they leave behind tons and tons of garbage waiting to be picked up by a backhoe.

Al Gore still uses 30% more electricity to run his mansion in Tennessee than the average state resident. Patrick Kennedy and the rest of the big bellied Kennedy entourage protest about putting about electricity generating windmills near their Hyannisport compound. Sen. John Kerrey doesn't drive a SUV....but "his family does."

Today being "Earth Day" the search engine Google put on their website their logo portrayed as a melting glacier, yet their founders flit around the world on their custom Boeing 737.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Albeit I'm a registered Republican (more like a law and order Democrat), for all intents and purposes I'm an independent voter.

Just as I had my mind made up in an instant about Sen. Kerry when he was asked at a news conference bashing President Bush in the last campaign, "Don't you drive a Lincoln Escalade" to which he answered "No, I don't drive one but my family does," the Dems wunderkind Barack Obama in one short passage has showed what a moron HE is.

In a campaign swing in Milwaukie, he gave a 23-minute interview, which, among things, he compared the Don Imus rant with the horrific massacre at Virginia Tech. Between Hillary saying that she is afraid of a new Republican conservative conspiracy and Mrs. Edwards' statement that she is terrified of her "rabid, gun toting, Republican next door neighbor" shows that the latest crop of Dem candidates are as weak as the last. They will pander and say anything just to stir up the political lemmings.

All said, however, comparing Don Imus with the murder of 32 and severe injuring of 28 students just shows that this guy is no different from the rest of crowd of political Washington politicians. What has Barack Obama -- his real name is "Barry" -- done to make our lives better as a Senator. The answer is NOTHING. He is just another windbag.

So far Rudy Guiliani is the only viable candidate with at least some brains and who wouldn't be going around making moronic abstractions.

Monday, April 09, 2007

My letter submitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune (or sometimes referred to the Soviet Union-Tribune):

I have always regarded myself to be a political centrist/moderate whose opinions are motivated by specific issues rather than ideology. During the last election season the Democrats went around promising a “new dawn” in America after a long period of Republican “darkness.” They went around criticizing President Bush for everything and accusing him of every heinous crime against society just short of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. Despite their hubris and slim majorities in both Houses of Congress, it would seem that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and our beloved Senator Barbara Boxer and the rest of the cabal of usual suspects are leading their party into the same “gotcha” politics as the Republicans are renowned for. Not only that, in order to appeal to the “Hate Bush”/anti-war movement crowd and get appear to finally get a chomp out of President Bush’s hide, Pelosi exploded our monstrous federal budget deficit even further by succumbing to the tried-and-true technique of buying votes by engaging in pork barrel politics to her fellow Democrats in order to pass the Iraq cutoff funding bill by slimmest of margins. Meanwhile, to fulfill our “we care” quotient, former Vice-President cum highly-credentialed climatologist Al Gore is trotted out to blather on about global warming – the media’s latest “crisis du jour” (which already seems to be fading). The way that both the Congress and Senate are acting it is as though they have nothing better to do with their time these days, and most citizen’s concerns about rampant illegal immigration, equitable and sustainable universal healthcare for the working poor of our country, and the future stable funding of social security have all been solved and put to bed. Gasoline prices are going through the roof unabated as the mega-profiting oil companies take economic hostage of the American people, yet our elected representatives keep chomping at the microphones to have their the last 15-seconds of soundbite fame. Beautiful scenario, ain’t it?

In most employment situations an employee is given a three-month probation period during which their performance is judged. Seeing how the Democrats and Republicans have been acting in the past three months, I, and the legions of Americans who always seem to be on the short end of the stick would give them a resounding “F.” The unfortunate part is that we can only terminate our current employees in both houses of congress in Washington DC every two years.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Democrats are such a gas....I love them and their dog and pony shows that they love to put on "in the search of truth." Of course, while I'm an independent, you will NEVER see the Democratic party investigate one of their own, especially Sen. Edward Kennedy whose little incident at Chappaquidick which resulted in the death of a young female campaign worker has NEVER been resolved.

And plus we won't talk about Sen. Diane Feinstein's husband's benefiting from U.S. Government Defense contracts. (Specifically, SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein. /Metroactive,

The latest Democratic dog-and-pony show is going to be happening in San Diego at the California State Democratic COnvention to be held in a month or so. Despite all of the voluminous testimony that has occurred on this subject, these small timing lefties are now going to have THEIR OWN 9/11 panel discussion where they are going to have a "grand jury" determine "what really happened" on September 11, 2001. Of course, mark my words: they will find Pres. Bush guilty of having direct complicity with the 18 Muslim terrorist hijackers who were actually hired by Israel (who was a subcontractor) of Haliburton because they are being secretly controlled by Vice President Cheney.

Get with the times, dudes! Work on bettering the future...not retreading past history.


Contact: Mike Copass
Phone: 619.665.9415 or 619.222.2120

Event Date: Saturday, April 14, 2007, Noon to 8:00 PM
Location: Aztec Center, San Diego State University
* *
*Experts to Testify at 9/11 Investigation Hearing*

*San Diego, California* ? On Saturday, April 14, 2007 San Diegans for
9/11 Truth, a local citizens activist group, will conduct a citizens?
grand jury investigation into the wrongful deaths that occurred at the
World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001.
From noon to 8:00 PM, grand jurors will assemble in the
Aztec Center Council Chambers at San Diego State University to hear
testimony from expert witnesses, including architect Richard Gage,
physicist Steven Jones, and engineer Kevin Ryan. Don Paul and Jim
Hoffman, coauthors of /The //9/11/01// Crimes in //New York City//:
Waking Up from Our Nightmare/, will lead the investigation.
The event has been endorsed by Pilots for 9/11 Truth,
Republicans for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, /The
Progressive Post/ and retired USAF Lt. Col. Dr. Robert Bowman, a former
director of the ?Star Wars? programs under Presidents Ford and Carter.
The public is welcome to attend. The common-law grand jury of 23
citizens will be impaneled to review the evidence and the grand jury?s
findings will be announced the following week.
For more information see,
<>, or contact Mike Copass at .


Founded in September 2005, San Diegans for 9/11 Truth is one of many
citizen activist organizations across the country dedicated to
uncovering the truth behind the wrongful deaths that took place on
September 11, 2001. Concerned about evidence that contradicts the
official account published in /The 9/11 Commission Report/, the group is
calling for a reopening of the case and an unbiased investigation into
the events of 9/11.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A well-intentioned friend sent me an e-mail link to a video on Google about the latest conspiracy theory being bounced around the Internet (Al Gore's invention) about the destruction of the World Trade Center. I sent him this reply:

I look at things this way: having been trained as a journalist "in the good old days" there was a certain censoring of whacky ideas. When i worked in the newsroom of a TV station in the early 80's I saw the stuff that was sent in by viewers -- some of it was legit, but some of it were concocted by whack jobs. Then came the king of crackpots, Art Bell, who would just put anyone on the air. Then came the Internet which democratized information flow and which allows every kook to post their whacked out theories, and now with camcorders available to everyone, individuals have to become their own censors.

As I experienced there are so many people out there with their own agendas and theories which have been legitimized. Heck, the grandaddys of them all are those who believe that we never landed on the moon and that it was all staged in a Hollywood movie studio. While I give a quarter of a listen to the crackpots just because I'm always in what other people think and these days I need a good laugh, I believe in the true experts, the true engineers. As for 9/11, I put my weight in the study which was published by Popular Mechanics. The link to the site is here
and well worth looking at. In my opinion most of these myths are being distributed by 300 lb. guys with long hair and don't regularly bathe who live in a single room apartment with dirty terry cloth material hanged on thumbtacks and a manegy cat.

Like my mom always said, just because something is printed on paper doesn't make it true.