Thursday, May 31, 2007

Someone had a kind of a bad start to their evening when they hit a fire hydrant near an intersection by my house yesterday at about 6:40 p.m. on Jamacha Road. I have to say, however, the hydrant was kind of an interesting water feature...if not temporary!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

National talk show host Jerry Doyle has come up with the 10 Commandments of Illegal Immigration.... This guy makes sense!




1. If you enter the United States of America illegally or overstay your visa, you will never be eligible to become a citizen of the U.S. No exceptions.

2. If you hire someone who is illegal, you and / or your business will be fined $50,000.00 per employee. “Strict Liability” will be the legal standard.

3. The policy of “anchor babies” is no longer the law. You are only eligible to be a citizen of the United States if you are born “of” a citizen of the United States of America.

4. “Sanctuary Cities and / or states” will receive no federal tax dollar revenue sharing or matching. Federal highway speed limit standards will be the template.

5. “Sanctuary Houses of Worship”, in direct violation of U.S. law, will lose their tax exempt status.

6. Financial institutions, doing business in the United States, will be prohibited from offering and providing any incentive program(s), any discount loan(s), subsidized checking and / or savings account(s) or any “special” offer(s) to anyone in this country illegally.

7. Public education, medical and dental services, housing, social services, food stamps, social security, Medicare, SSDI and any other us government program will be for the benefit of legal residents of the United States only.

8. Any person(s), charitable organization(s), or business entity that harbors any illegal alien(s) will be automatically be charged with a federal offense and lose their citizenship.

9. Guest worker visas will be issued on a 5 year trailing average of the aggregate number of visas issued with adjustments for projected GDP growth and / or contraction.

10. English will be the only language used in the public workplace, public education, Federal government offices and facilities, hospitals and related medical facilities and the federal court system. All voting for federal offices will be done in English only.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

An individual in a political action group I occasionally participate in started to flame a San Diego politician who has truly served the district I live in very well. Everytime I have had contact with her as a constituent, this county supervisor, Dianne Jacobs, my problems have been resolved. I issued the following comment on the list-serv:

This is not intended as a personal flame, but I would urge everyone to step back from the incendiary rhetoric. Instead of attacking Mrs. Jacobs, we should be happy that she put in the order to have the camp closed down in Alpine. I have only met Mrs. Jacobs once, but I think there is little argument that over the years she has been a great county supervisor "stepping up to the plate" when there has been a need to "step up to the plate" in our neck of the woods called East San Diego County.

No individual -- nor politician -- likes to be embarrassed in front of their constituents -- no matter their party affiliation. Believe me, as much as I hate to break the news, even Senators Boxer or Feinstein (with their big personal fortunes) or House Speaker Pelosi (not someone who collects food stamps or works at minimum wage, either) have their "handlers" to "spin the spin" to make sure they are always looking all shiny and pristine and purer than the driven snow. In my opinion, it is infantile and myopic to take issue with an individual just because of their political affiliation.

Whether it is in business or handling the nation's business, I look at what an individual has accomplished or not accomplished -- that's the real litmus test. Both sides of the political aisle have let the American people down. The brazen fact is that politicians on both sides of the aisle are beholden to lobbyists representing special interests. It is our responsibility as citizens to make sure that our elected representatives represent us and our views. We should let them know when they are wrong, but at the same time show them our praise and gratitude when they do right -- just as Supervisor Jacobs has done in this case.

Furthermore, I think cooler heads should prevail in our opposition to Blackwater. Just because Supervisor Jacobs doesn't come ranting and raving on our position doesn't mean she is against us. We need to show our respect and tolerance to the process rather than jumping to conclusions....just as we ask for respect and tolerance to our viewpoint on the matter. As a relative of mine in Latvia said, as they go down the road of being a young democracy after being under the Russian boot for over 50 years said to me (an observation made by many Balts), "You know, in the United States with there being so much democracy and so many voices, in the end, nobody seems to be listening."

Let's listen to each other, let's learn from each other, but let us do so in a respectful and civil manner rather than resorting to lobbing pejoratives at an individual just because their political ideologies may be different than ours. Neither side should be claiming that their are "right." Let us hope and pray that we are given the strength to follow "common sense."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I think the national news media is on a campaign trying to make Vice President Gore the new Ellen DeGeneres. While the TV and print outlets totally ignore how the oil companies are screwing the American public, they are breathlessly contemplating whether former VP Gore will run or not for President in 2008. Personally, I hope he does, so he can once again taste the bitterness of defeat and just perhaps normalize the hot air of his ego with the gaseous hot hair of his overgrown Sen. Ted Kennedy gut.

One of the most important lessons I learned as a pup was to accept graciously defeat and to go on to the next mission. But oh no...Gore has to go around badmouthing President Bush like a stubbornly ill-behaved kid. A real statesman graciously accepts the tribulations of defeat. But like someone who is so consumed with sour grapes, Gore goes on television (when he is not boring everybody with his roadshow of questionable science) badmouthing the administration. I need to say at this point I'm no great supporter of President Bush. I'm uncomfortable with the situation in Iraq and am VERY disappointed that the Iraqi people have not shown enough gumption to start to take control of their own country more passionately. But while Gore questions our incursion into Iraq, I ask myself -- don't the Iraqi people deserve to taste freedom from the tyrant of Saddam Hussein and his regime....just as the people of the Baltics wanted to so badly throw out the rule of the tyrannical Russians? Clearly miscalculations were made by Pres. Bush....but hindsight is also 20/20 (or so we hope). I do believe the news media in this country are not telling the truth about what is going on in Iraq. My heart cries for the 3,000 deaths of allied forces over four years in Iraq. But I also cry for when the Allied air forces lost nearly 12,000 men and over 2,000 aircraft in operations which paved the way for D-Day in April and May 1944, and the total Allied casualties on D-Day estimated of 10,000, including 2500 dead....

So instead of going around bitching and moaning about his loss, Al Gore needs to go stick another donut in his mouth and start conserving energy at his Tennessee palace....or convert the gas which emanates from his humongous fat body into electricity...but isn't methane also contributing to the so-called "global warming"?

Monday, May 21, 2007

I finally launched my new website,, today. It features information and pictures relating to my acting work.

Everybody says it "looks great." I'm going to take a page from my Romanian/Turkish grandfather's play book and say the it will "look great" when it gets me more acting work!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Takes one to know one?

The ever increasingly senile and demented Pres. Jimmy Carter whose true colors as a anti-Semitic David Duke-like character and is universally acknowledged as the worst president this country ever, is now calling Pres. Bush "The worst president ever." Isn't this like the pot calling the kettle black? I'm no lover of President Bush, but heck, what about the entire board of the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia resigning en masse on the release of his last sleeper of a book accusing Israel of perpetuating the middle east crisis? This guy deserves to be one day told to shut the f*** up. Hasn't someone recently reminded him how he was literally booted out of office by the electorate after four years of the antics of Carter's militant Muslim terrorist brother, Billy, the scariest mother alive, Miss Lillian? Of course what about the time when Pres. Carter expressed his carnal love for the Polish people? There has to be a reason why even Pres. Clinton and Bush ignored him during the worldwide efforts to raise funds for the victims of Katrina and the Indonesian Tsunami.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Former President Carter says President Bush's administration is "the worst in history" in international relations, taking aim at the White House's policy of pre-emptive war and its Middle East diplomacy.

The criticism from Carter, which a biographer says is unprecedented for the 39th president, also took aim at Bush's environmental policies and the administration's "quite disturbing" faith-based initiative funding.

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in a story that appeared in the newspaper's Saturday editions. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations, including those of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and others, has been the most disturbing to me."

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I couldn't say it any better...

Monday, May 14, 2007

"A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth even gets its boots on..." -- Mark Twain

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

People often remark now that I shave my head every day that I have a remarkable appearance to wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin. A friend of mine cut this picture out from the San Diego Union-Tribune thinking it was Ivars in a new flick that I hadn't told him about (now that I'm doing a fair bit of movie acting). Unfortunately, Stone Cold is not exactly up for an Academy Award for his most recent movie, "The Condemned." Here's a review:

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I love posturing soooo much....just like the latest news out of the World Wildlife Fund accusing the United States of being the biggest caused of alleged global warming. Hey folks, what about CHINA with their billion people population? What about THEIR factories which belch out God knows what into the atmosphere without mandated emission scrubbers? Huh? What about the widely known story that Bejing may be prohibiting car traffic in the city for a month before the Beijing Olympics because of all of the pollutants? And what about the city which is the world's garbage repository of computer parts whose main waterway is chock full of arsenic?


The United States, the world's top belcher of greenhouse gas emissions, is "the biggest culprit" of climate change, the WWF said Thursday, urging Washington to take swift action against global warming.

"They are the biggest culprit and they are the biggest offender of climate," said Stephan Singer, head of the environmental group WWF's climate change policy unit.

"The United States should take climate change seriously," Singer told reporters in Bangkok, where scientists around the world are attending the week-long session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN's leading authority on global warming.

While accusing the US of "ignoring science" on global warming, the WWF still urged Washington to lead the world in combating climate change.

"What's happening in the United States is important because it is still the largest emitter" of greenhouse gas, said Hans Verolme, director of WWF's global climate change program.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I couldn't say it any better:

John Billett, former chairman of Billett Consultancy (from the UK) who tried to make a name in advertising in the US said it best when talking about the lessons he learned working in the US:

"There is a division in America -- which I haven't seen elsewhere -- between entrepreneurial, creative, imaginative, not afraid to investigate change, looking for the next opportunity, dynamic and rigorous companies, and the disturbingly large number of companies who aren't that. They seem to be covered in bureaucracy, those who seem to be reluctant to change ... driven by process where everything is taken by committee. If I had one criticism of America, it would be that some decisions take an unseemly amount of time to be made. It is as though Sarbanes-Oxley, Enron, all of this corporate governance, has gripped the flare of certain companies so the prize of getting it wrong is larger than the prize of getting it right."