Sunday, March 21, 2004

Now I'm mad....

Some of my friends will take the excuse that "they don't watch TV or follow politics" (they is about their pocketbook), but hearing about these anti-American, anti-war demonstrations really gets to me...just like the protests by the parents of soldiers killed in combat walking in silence with drawn faces and moaning and whining about the death of their kid in war. NOBODY ASKED THEIR KIDS TO JOIN THE MILITARY... The stark reality is that the military is about killing people and blowing things up. Soldiers get killed in conflicts. It happens in 2004. It happened 2000 years ago. Yet these people look for the nearest TV camera for the 15 seconds of fame and go on whining and sobbing. And of course, the TV folks love it because it is dramatics cloaked as news.

Hey folks, the military is not Club Med.

So today on the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, why aren't these same boobs protesting against the liberation of 6 million Jews United States and its allies during World War II....and against the liberation of Europe from this tyrant called Adolf Hitler? Huh? I want to hear somebody give me a good reason based on FACTS not HYSTERIA. These boobs have never lost a family member because they were of an ethnicity and profession (my grandfather was killed in a Russian-run prison/concnetration camp in East Germany; my mother, aunt and grandmother fled from the Russian occupation of Latvia. My dad he was put in jail in Belgium by the Nazis and my grandfather since World War I always managed to be enslaved in a prison factory as Jews were easy targets and to be blamed for all of the world's miseries.) World War II British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's predecessor, Sir Neville Chamberlain pursued a pacificist policy with Adolf Hitler and ended up with the blood of six million Jews on his hands while he negotiated, negotiated, negotiated and signed useless and valueless agreements. And what about the 3000 Americans killed with the bombing of the World Trade Center... Remember that? Did these people have a choice? It would seem that poet George Santayana's almost worn out words about those refusing to learn from the past are destined to repeat the mistakes of history are coming to roost once again.

Don't get me wrong....WAR IS HORRIBLE. Innocent people get killed. But that's life. The biggest boob of them all, former Pres. Jimmy Carter said it himself many years ago... "life isn't always fair." NOBODY in their right mind wants war. But it is a part of human nature and man's innate need to dominate other men (and women and others). Just see the effect that religion has on some people.

While I'm bothered by President Bush's confused and untidy foreign policy in dealing with terrorism, Americans and others need to figure out that we are in a full-fledged war against radical fundamentalists who want to inflict THEIR doctrines and whacked out philosophies on us. We were at war as early as the bombing of the Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland by Libya in the arly 1980s. The people who we are fighting against are those who don't give a rat's ass about women's rights, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, etc., etc. I'd love to see what the National Organization Of Women would say if women this country were FORCED to wear chadors or burhkas as the Islamic terrorists imposed on the women in Afghanistan, and if women were denied to the right to education and freedom of thought and assembly as they were in Afghanistan and Iraq under the tyrannical regimes.

Whew...I feel better...

Back to your regularly scheduled programming....

Major Protests Mark Iraq War Anniversary
"NEW YORK - Hundreds of thousands of people around the world rallied against the U.S. presence in Iraq (news - web sites) on the first anniversary of the war Saturday, in protests that retained the anger, if not the size, of demonstrations held before the invasion began.
Protesters filled more than a dozen police-lined blocks in Manhattan, calling on President Bush (news - web sites) to bring home U.S. troops serving in Iraq. Mayor Michael Bloomberg estimated the crowd at about 30,000, but organizers said later that number had grown to more than 100,000.
'It is time to bring our children home and declare this war was unnecessary,' said the Rev. Herbert Daughtry, a New York activist addressing a rally in Manhattan. The roughly 250 anti-war protests scheduled around the country by United for Peace and Justice ranged from solemn to brash. "

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