Tuesday, March 02, 2004

What in the hell were the Republicans thinking?

Sheesh... You mean to say that the proliferation of guns is no longer a problem? What in the hell is wrong with background checks?

This is crazy.... IMHO!

Senate Republicans Scuttle Gun Bill

WASHINGTON - In a last-minute turnaround, Senate Republicans scuttled their election-year gun legislation Tuesday after Democrats added amendments to extend an assault weapons ban and require background checks on all buyers at private gun shows to the package. The 90-8 vote against the bill handed Democrats and gun control advocates an unexpected victory in the GOP-controlled Congress. It all but eliminated any chance for gun legislation this year.

'Twenty-four hours ago, I knew of no one who would have said we would be sitting where we are right now,' said Mike Barnes, president of the Brady Campaign gun-control group. 'The NRA's highest legislative priority was just defeated.'
Beginning in September, the gun industry can resume making, importing and selling military style semiautomatic weapons that were outlawed a decade ago. Nonetheless, Democrats say they now have the Senate on record as supporting the assault weapons ban by a 52-47 vote even though Republican leaders have vowed they won't allow the House to consider it this year. "

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