Saturday, May 08, 2004

I frankly am getting so sick and tired of everyone in the government and the Iraqis whining about the prison abuse at the Abu Gharib Prison in Bagdhad. Why aren't Americans talking and showing the same level of repulse for prison rape and assaults in the United States...that it has gotten so bad that the U.S. Government has had to legislate from the floor of Congress a plan to address this little spoken of travesty that has gone on for years and years and years?

The Iraqis THEMSELVES and the Arab/Muslim world have NEVER had any basic human rights in prison.

Human Rights Watch Testimony

Video documentation of the problem

If the so-called "liberals" in this country are so concerned about human compassion and human rights, why are they not addressing this problem than their oh-so-tiresome trashing of the President?

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