Wednesday, May 12, 2004

When will this guy just do like the rest of U.S. Presidents...serve and just fade away? Problem is his ego will not allow him to... Pres. Clinton was not bad, but still will be always overshadowed for his horrific and terribly failed "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy towards gays in the military and his shenanigans with Monica.

America needs a REAL leader....neither President Bush or Sen. Kerry have the mettle, in my opinion, to provide real leadership.

Clinton Lends Support to Anti-Bush Groups
NEW YORK - Former President Clinton lent his support Tuesday to two interest groups that have sharply criticized President Bush while raising money to help Democrat John Kerry White House bid.
Clinton, along with AFL-CIO president John Sweeney, spoke at an Apollo Theater event held by the voter fund and Voices for Working Families.
Clinton criticized Bush on his economic policies, particularly his tax cuts, and said the president had reduced after-school programs and the number of police on streets.
'You have to believe that your children and grandchildren will live in an America that will be shaped by whether we ratify the course for wrong, or go back to the one that's worked for eight years.' "

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