Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Bay Area Congresswoman Lynn Woosley gave anti-war activist a gallery pass late Tuesday, just hours before the planned State of the Union speech. Sheehan was in Washington to protest the president during his national address, but then came word she was invited to see the speech live.
A spokesman for Sheehan says she decided to accept the invitation two hours prior to the speech. The spokesman also said that Sheehan will be respectful and listen to the address because she is a guest of a member of congress.
Sheehan is expected to fly back to Berkeley Wednesday. She announced over the weekend that she is considering running for Senate against Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
It is Cindy Sheehan's extremely bloated ego which is considering to run against Sen. Feinstein...
Friday, January 27, 2006
• The brain is 75% / Moderate dehydration can cause headaches and dizziness
• Regulates body temperaturs
• Carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells in the body
• Protects and cushions vital organs
• Helps to convert food into energy
• Helps the body absorb nutrients
• Removes waste
• Bones are 22% water
• Muscles are 75% water
• Cushions joints
Source: bottledwater.org
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Despite the nomination of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is supported by a majority of Americans, the latest news is that Sen. Kerry wants to do a filibuster to be obstructionist and embarrass President Bush and block any vote that might approve the appointment of Judge Alito. This despite the fact that several very liberal Democratic senators including Sen. Byrd of Virginia are planning to vote for the confirmation of Judge Alito.
Then you have preachy Vice-President Gore criticizing all of the moves of the President at every step of the way...to the point of saying once, "If I had been elected President I would have...."
Puhleeze....don't you guys have any dignity left? Or did you sell it to a lobbyist?
Monday, January 23, 2006
Mon Jan 23 2006 17:09:44 ET
President Bush has so far skipped BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN -- the Hollywood hit about two homosexual cowboys.
During a Q&A session at Kansas State University today, a student asked Bush: "I was just wanting to get your opinion on BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN if you'd seen it yet."
The crowd laughed softly before the student said loudly: "You would love it! You should check it out."
"I haven't seen it," Bush said flatly. "I'd be glad to talk about ranching, but I haven't seen the movie," he said to laughter. "I've heard about it."
The president waited a second or two, then said, according to a transcript: "I hope you go -- (laughter) -- you know -- (laughter) -- I hope you go back to the ranch and the farm, is what I was about to say. I haven't seen it. (Laughter, applause.)"
Saturday, January 21, 2006
(Camera opens on a clearing in a mountain pass. Horse neighs in the background)
John Wayne: "Hey, Pilgrim....love is a force of nature...I wish I knew how to quit you...."
Clint Eastwood: "Go ahead, make my day.... Show me your six shooter...we'll see who draws first...and draws best...."
(Clint looks into John's eyes and snorts. John Wayne reaches over and grabs Clint's hand and puts it on his hard six shooter.)
Clint: "What the hell?"
(Sounds of belts unbuckling and pants sliding down....John Wayne grunts as Clint introduces him to his six shooter.)
(Camera cuts to a two shot of both and scene fades to black as Clint and John make there way into their tent as the sun sets in the background.)
(Fade to black with more grunting coming from the tent)
(Camera opens on a clearing in a mountain pass. Horse neighs in the background)
John Wayne: "Hey, Pilgrim....love is a force of nature...I wish I knew how to quit you...."
Clint Eastwood: "Go ahead, make my day.... Show me your six shooter...we'll see who draws first...and draws best...."
John Wayne reaches over and grabs Clint's hand and puts it on his hard six shooter.
Clint: "What the hell?"
(Sounds of belts unbuckling and pants sliding down....John Wayne grunts as Clint introduces him to his six shooter.)
(Camera cuts to a two shot of both and scene fades to black as Clint and John make there way into their tent as the sun sets in the background.)
(Fade to black with more grunting coming from the tent)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Nagin also said the hurricane that devastated New Orleans was God's way of showing displeasure about U.S. involvement in Iraq. "Surely God is mad at America," Nagin said in a speech Monday. "Surely He's not approving of us being in Iraq under false pretense. But surely He's upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves."
Here's a link to the full story
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
There was a commentator repeating all of the usual diatribe how Pres. Bush "lied" to get into the war, there was no connection between Al-Queda and Iraq, etc., of course totally discounting that three thousand Americans were killed in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. What gets me is how all of these people keep repeating the urban legends surrounding the war, yet NOBODY has gone definitely to back up their claims.
This Canadian commentator kept on going on with all of his anti-American screed, while all I can say how the Canadians are going to be yelling blue murder when the terrorists attack Toronto's or Montreal's vast subway system during rush hour, bomb Toronto's massive "Eaton Centre" shopping mall, or bring down their much heralded "CN Tower." It will happen....and then we can start criticizing Canada how the government openly abuses native Canadians with their policies, etc.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
A similar forum in San Diego drew a wopping 25 people! Woohoo! Now that sounds like a real beginning of a movement. Not only that her epic book released last November ranks today at #116,397 in sales/popularity on Amazon.com.
Cindy, go do something truly productive and volunteer for Habitat For Humanity or some other charity in the name of your dead son -- and stop try to bring on publicity for yourself to fertilize your insane ego. (By the way, you might want to renounce your membership in the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA for PR sake.)
Sheehan Urge Supporters to Take Action
(AP) SACRAMENTO, Calif. Activist Cindy Sheehan told supporters at a peace forum Saturday that troops would get out of Iraq if millions of U.S. citizens took the simple step that she did outside President Bush's vacation home last summer. "Anybody could do what we did in Crawford, Texas. We just went down and sat down," Sheehan told the crowd of several hundred people, with Academy Award-winning actor Sean Penn in the front row. She urged them to lose their apathy and do something. "We have to get so freakin' fed up with what's going on that we all go and sit down," Sheehan said.
Sheehan, a Berekley resident whose 24-year-old soldier son died in Iraq, attracted hundreds of anti-war protesters to her makeshift camp near Bush's ranch in August. "These people, they're not going to change unless they see us out in the streets," she said at the forum that organizers said was among dozens of town hall-style events held across the nation. Penn, an early opponent of the war who drew criticism for his visit to Iraq, said he is buoyed by recent efforts in Congress to rein in the president's powers and bring troops home, and by the outraged response to disclosures that the government had wiretapped without obtaining warrants. "When we said, 'Listen to us' _ they're doing it through covert surveillance," Penn joked. He read his brief remarks from a single crumpled piece of paper and said it "probably looks like the administration's war plan."
Deborah Johns of nearby Roseville, who heads Northern California Marine Moms, said most people support the troops in Iraq. However, she said the president and news media have done a poor job showing the troops' progress. Johns led Sheehan opponents on a 21-state caravan to Bush's ranch last fall. "I saw thousands of people who came out to thank our men and women," Johns said in a phone interview Saturday. "I don't think that sort of grass-roots effort is out there that Cindy Sheehan would like people to believe. It's a fantasy."
The fact is I think some of the loudest so called "Christians" are going to be sadly disappointed when they are stuck in traffic on the way to heaven. Jesus Christ taught us to love one another and that judgement and wrath belongs to God, yet these people go around ever so pious and make judgement on groups of people just because their sexual orientation does not meet the standards set by the dogma of their particular "flavor" of Christianity. (While some may lambaste me on my use of the word "flavor" when trying to differentiate the different Christian sects now practicing, this word was used by a very schooled Theologian and to me personally by a "Born Again Christian".)
The dirty truth the "Eagle Forum" likes to hide is that the son of the organization's central figure, Phyllis Schafly, is gay. The nephew of Christianity's own Jabbah-The-Hut, Rev. Jerry Fallwell, is openly gay and apparently has good relations with his hateful uncle.
God loves all of His children -- be they straight, gay, white, black, yellow or red. It is the mortals that God placed on His green earth who has decided that they need to summarily issue a memorandum superceding God's word that some of His children are destined for damnation in eternal Hell. At this point, it is these intolerant hateful Christians who God is going to deal with PERSONALLY one-by-one when their meeting with Him comes up on His schedule.
Christians have a LOVING and FORGIVING God, not a God of hate and spite, for vengeance is His. And the ultimate vengeance is that God may be very well using this situation to teach a few people a lesson before it is too late.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Romans 12:18-20
(I take off my minister's robe and cleric's collar and step down from my orange crate at this point.)
Utah Theater Cancels 'Brokeback Mountain'
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. (AP) A movie theater owned by Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller abruptly changed its screening plans and decided not to show the film "Brokeback Mountain." The film, an R-rated Western gay romance story, was supposed to open Friday at the Megaplex at Jordan Commons in Sandy, a suburb of Salt Lake City. Instead it was pulled from the schedule.
A message posted at the ticket window read: "There has been a change in booking and we will not be showing 'Brokeback Mountain.' We apologize for any inconvenience." Cal Gunderson, manager of the Jordan Commons Megaplex, declined to comment. The film, starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, is about two cowboys who discover feelings for one another. The two eventually marry women but rekindle their relationship over the years. The movie's distributor, Focus Features, said that hours before opening, the theater management "reneged on their licensing agreement," and refused to open the film.
Gayle Ruzicka, president of the conservative Utah Eagle Forum, said not showing the film set an example for the people of Utah. "I just think (pulling the show) tells the young people especially that maybe there is something wrong with this show," she said.
Mike Thompson, executive director of the gay rights advocacy group Equality Utah, called it disappointing. "It's just a shame that such a beautiful and award-winning film with so much buzz about it is not being made available to a broad Utah audience because of personal bias," he said.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I was sent this image tonight by an individual which prompted me to write the following response to him:
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Iranian President Hopes Sharon Perishes
Thu Jan 5, 5:44 PM ET
Iran's president said Thursday he hoped for the death of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the latest anti-Israeli comment by a leader who has already provoked international criticism for suggesting that Israel be "wiped off the map." "Hopefully, the news that the criminal of Sabra and Chatilla has joined his ancestors is final," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Iranian Students News Agency.
Ahmadinejad was referring to Sharon, who as defense minister in 1982 directed Israel's ill-fated invasion of Lebanon. An Israeli commission found him indirectly responsible for a massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps by Christian Phalangist soldiers. Iran's official media, including state-run radio and television, did not report Ahmadinejad's remarks about Sharon.
"Hopefully, others (criminals like him) will join him too," ISNA quoted Ahmadinejad as telling a group of clerics in Qom, a holy city 80 miles south of the capital, Tehran. He spoke a day after the 77-year-old Sharon suffered a massive stroke and underwent surgery. In the last two months, Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust a "myth" and said if Europeans insist it did occur, then they should give some of their own land for a Jewish state, rather than the one in the Middle East. He also called for Israel to be "wiped off the map."
Robertson says Sharon's stroke is God's punishment
The Reverend Pat Robertson says Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's massive stroke could be God's punishment for giving up Israeli territory. The founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network told viewers of "The 700 Club" that Sharon was "dividing God's land," even though the Bible says doing so invites "God's enmity." Robertson added, "I would say woe to any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course." He noted that former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. Robertson said God's message is, "This land belongs to me. You'd better leave it alone."(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
The Democratic party is just interested in power...they don't give a damn for the country... And what about a debate on the American system of justice and Sen. Ted Kennedy and his killing of campaign worker Mary Joe Koepechne while being stone drunk?
(Washington Times) Democrats on Capitol Hill are drafting a strategy to attack the Bush administration and Republicans as having little regard for the privacy of Americans.
"We will initiate at the beginning of this year one of the most serious debates and discussions on Capitol Hill in our history about individual rights and liberties," Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin said just before Christmas.
The topic will be a major focus of the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of federal Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. as privacy rights -- the political code phrase for abortion rights -- already has become a major issue, Mr. Durbin said.
Democratic leaders then plan to keep the issue alive as they continue their opposition to key parts of the USA Patriot Act, which is set to expire in early February unless extended.
But the real payoff, Democrats say, will be the hearings into President Bush's authorization of warrantless spying on terror suspects. Already, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Republican, said he wants to hold hearings on the matter.