Wednesday, June 06, 2007

CNN this afternoon had a segment about the growing hostilities with Russia and invited comment....and so I opined...

Peoples of the world, wake up! Oh, please. It isn't that Comrade Putin has been any different since he entered office. The world is finally waking up to the fact that a leopard doesn't change his spots. While President Bush may have "looked deeply into the eyes of Putin and seen a trustworthy man," the Balts and every other Eastern European country oppressed by Mother Russia for over fifty years in the past century have known what he really is: a real cold war Communist bent on domination. While North America is transfixed on Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, Putin has continually threatened its neighbors and waged war, such as the recent cyberattacks aimed at Estonia when they dared to remove another remnant of the Soviet Russian era out of their daily lives. Russia has never had a democracy nor will it ever.

Ivars Bezdechi
San Diego, CA

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