Saturday, January 20, 2007

An infobabe climatologist at THe Weather Channel, Dr. Heidi Cullent, published an opinion piece on the subject of global warming claiming that after more than a century of research -- "based on healthy skepticism -- scientists have learned something very important about our planet." "It's warming up -- glaciers are melting, sea level is rising and the weather is changing. The primary explanation for this warming is the carbon dioxide released from -- among other things -- the burning of fossil fuels, she says." This has generated a lot of debate, and of course, I had to leave a comment on The Weather Channel's regarding her remarks, which included her suggestion that if an American Meteorological Society TV meteorologist agree with the theory of global warming that they be stripped of their certification. (Sounds like Hillary's failed health insurance plan where she mentioned jail time for doctors if they didn't follow certain provisions of her health plan which ultimately led to its demise.)

"First of all, The Weather Channel is not the great information resource it used to be. Happy talking meterologists and weather babes don't cut it. It has undermined the credibility of your channel. That's why you now have competition from NBC WeatherPlus and other outlets. And we're not talking here about the incessant number of commercials which interrupt your programming.

Second, the fact is that the world's weather is dynamic. That's the nature of the beast. Your stance and the vitriol which you have spouted to the American Society of Meterologists is typical of the Kool Aid left wingers (and I'm not so conservative myself) diatribe in order to try to get your way. Your politicians for public office have been so weak that you have to find some other way to try to influence policy. You seem to take the position (like so many) that if all people were to stop driving cars that the reputed problem of global warming would be reversed tomorrow. Nature doesn't work that way. Climeatologists have never "gotten it right" on the number or intensity of hurricanes hitting the SE coast. So instead of spouting reputed theories as fact, please go back to giving us more accurate weather reports. In the words of Mark Twain, "Everybody talks about the weather but does nothing to about it." "

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