Thursday, January 18, 2007

This is why right-wing whacked out Christian Bible bangers will NEVER have credibility in American society.

I was in line at Trader Joe's earlier this evening and besides coffee I bought three bottles of wine. There were two PraiseTheLorders behind me...complaining to me that I was buying "Devil's Juice." What freakin' business did they have to criticize me for buying some wine? For heaven sakes, during communion Christians love to do their tribute to cannibalism by "eating the skin of Christ and drinking his blood." My problem is that so many Christians are "holier than thou" and love having the spectacle of being a "Christian," yet they drop the ball when it comes to actually acting out the words of their Holy Book. The cheerleader of the whacked out right-wing Christians, Newt Gingrich, reportedly had a nice little affair while his wife was dying in the hospital of cancer. Then got her to sign the divorce decree right before she passed away. WONDERFUL! I'll always remember a fairly interesting and good preacher, Dr. David Jeremiah, who reminds his flock regularly that some of the most evil people are behind the pulpit preaching.

Real Christians "do" their good works quietly and don't call attention to themselves. Their beliefs should be in their deeds, and not what they speak.

Please note that I'm now will make future reference to these psychologically ill people as "Praisethelorders."

Jesus, PLEASE protect us from your followers!

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